Tuesday, June 17, 2008

And another thing..

Recently a movement to create a sense of alarm and panic amongst the natives has gained some momentum. The hand wringing "the end is near" "oh woah is me" chicken little types are really getting on my nerves. When they throw their interperitation of the religeous aspects of their paranoia and spread their conspiracy theories about the nasty naughty people and their quest for world domination through nefarious deeds of daring doo my arse starts to itch.

Here, therefore is my reply to those of you anxious to spread your message of impending doom. Piss-off and go away! Really! I've got enough on my plate dealing with the real world. I am trying to be the man, husband, father, leader, teacher, survivor and working class dog so that I can provide for my own and you're wasting my time and you're starting to make me angry! THAT - my sissy paranoid little associates - is something to really be afraid of! Now, for the benefit of those gentle readers still unclear on the concept, I'll use small words.

Go away. I don't want to hear it. Leave it alone, or I'll pop your head like a zit.


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